Climate Impact Score is a program of the Climate Action Reserve, a private, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to develop, promote and support innovative, credible market-based climate change solutions that benefit economies, ecosystems and society.
The Reserve promotes and fosters the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through credible market-based policies and solutions. A pioneer in carbon accounting, the Reserve serves as an approved Offset Project Registry (OPR) for the State of California’s Cap-and-Trade Program and plays an integral role in supporting the issuance and administration of compliance offsets. The Reserve also establishes high quality standards for offset projects in the North American voluntary carbon market and operates a transparent, publicly-accessible registry for carbon credits generated under its standards.
Drawing from its experience and expertise in GHG accounting, the Reserve launched the Climate Impact Score program to quantify and assess the climate impact of projects financed by investments, and Climate Forward to foster proactive investment in future GHG reduction projects as a means to address emissions that are forecasted to occur. Additionally, the Reserve hosts the annual North American Carbon World conference, the premier event for climate and carbon professionals to learn, discuss, and network. The Reserve is headquartered in Los Angeles, California with satellite offices around the U.S. For more information, please visit